Thursday, August 02, 2007

CCD- Cafe Coffee Day, thats how the youth market knows this brand. Popularly known as the desi Starbucks, is not just a successful coffee retailing venture but it is a brand that has revolutionised coffee drinking among the young in India. The brand message, the visual identity and the brand itself seems to have contributed to the success. Its message of 'anything can happen over a cup of coffee' has not just been depicted in its promotionla messages but also well captured in movies that have used the brand outlets. The red color gives a very distinct brand image which is uniformly maintained in its brand name and in the decor of the outlets. This supports the resaerch that the colors red and blue have launched several brands ahead of the rest. Pepsi, Coco-Cola for instance. The product, that is the coffee, adhers to the overall image of the brand by keeping up the promise. It has a wide range from Mocha to Espresso to Cold Coffee and others. Cafe Coffee Day is no doubt a youth brand. Well-positioned and well-marketed.
By the way, I have kicked caffeine out of my life. But its worth a visit to CCD to revel in the brand. Coffee anyone?

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