Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Male Factor in Advertising
I grew up watching ads with the impression that the bathtub was the domain of women, till I saw King Khan in the recent Lux ad. What is HLL up to? Tired of marketing to women? Well its a known fact the beauty secret of film stars has been shared by Indian men too. But an ad directly addressing men....
The Indian man in advertising has transformed from being a macho to metrosexual over the past 50 years. If you go back to the ads of post-independence era, you will see the Indian man either wielding a gun or the plough.....Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan. Then came the 'Thandurusthi ki Raksha kartha hai Lifebuoy' ad with men in other places, like the stadium. Man started to scale the power bastions and were shown as the successful one in Digjam Suitings, Godrej Shaving Cream,etc. Then came 'the Complete man' of the Raymonds who showed the caring side of the Indian man. Today men are taking decisions about washing powder and after wash hair conditioners for their women. They are not just stopping at that, they are asking for their share of fairness creams and ........bathtub too. Wonder, what next?

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