Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Global Warming: Nothing more than Science Fiction
A decade ago, when I was in college, I remember competing in a state-level science lecture contest. I delivered a talk on Global Warming. I had done a decent amount of information gathering from reliable sources like TERI (Tata Energy & Research Institute).
I vehemently made statements during my talk, that in another 10 years half of Bombay would be submerged in water, Maurituis would be a part of history and the Indian coast line would have shifted inland. And all this because of global warming.But so far nothing has happened. On the contrary, Mauritius has become a major tourist spot.
So, is global warming a figment of intelligent imagination? Guess so. It is also believed that global warming is a politicized science. It has become an industry by itself, with many self-proclaimed environmental groups fighting for government and industrial funding. No wonder there are more lawyers than scientists talking about the issue.
If not anything, global warming certainly did trigger the making of the movie 'The Day after Tomorrow'.The movie portrays the return of mankind to Ice Age - the fallout of global warming.
Another good read: 'State of Fear' by Michael Crichton- a well researhed fiction on global warming. I hope Steven Speilberg makes a movie out of this book!

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